The following are Skills Competency Frameworks & Key Reports relating to supporting Digital Scholarship and Data Science for library staff
LIBER Publications
LIBER Digital Skills for Library Staff & Researchers Working Group - LIBER Europe have lots of resources here, including a very useful diagram Identifying Open Science Skills for Library Staff & Researchers
LIBER Job Description Repository Contains job description examples for Digital Curator and other digital roles which reference the types of skills required for such work.
Europe’s Digital Humanities Landscape: A Study From LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group is a report based on a Europe-wide survey run by LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group. The survey focused on digital collections and the activities libraries undertake around them. It covered the following topics and themes including staffing/skills
Key Publications specific to digital scholarship and data science skills for research library staff
The British Library and the Arts and Humanities Research Council published a report on skills: Scoping Skills and Developing Training Programme for Managing Repository Services in Cultural Heritage Organisations. There is a very useful section (Section 3.) that references several other digital skills frameworks for research library staff across Europe.
Lippincott, Joan K. Directions in Digital Scholarship: Support for Digital, Data-Intensive, and Computational Research in Academic Libraries. Coalition for Networked Information, June 2023.
Padilla, Thomas. ‘Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries’. OCLC, 26 August 2020.
Cordell, R. C. (2020). Machine Learning + Libraries: A Report on the State of the Field. LC Labs, Library of Congress.
Federer L. Defining data librarianship: a survey of competencies, skills, and training. J Med Libr Assoc. 2018 Jul;106(3):294-303. doi: 10.5195/jmla.2018.306. Epub 2018 Jul 1. PMID: 29962907; PMCID: PMC6013124.
General Competencies for Librarians which include reference to digital
American Library Association (ALA) Library Competencies (Various roles): Library Competencies | Tools, Publications & Resources ( (USA)
Canadian Association of Research Libraries Competencies for Librarians in Canadian Research Libraries Publications and Documents (including specifically Competencies-Final-EN-1-2.pdf (Canada)
CILIP: the library and information association Professional Knowledge & Skills Base - (UK)