Topic Guides are at the centre of Digital Scholarship and Data Science Essentials for Library Professionals. The aim of each is to provide research library professionals with a gentle and concise introduction to the key topics in this area today. They offer those with no prior knowledge, quick and curated guidance to personally recommended hands-on tutorials, use-cases, articles, videos, networks and communities of practice to deepen learning.

Each Topic Guide follows a fixed structure, consisting of a descriptive header and five key components in order to make it easier to quickly find the information you might need:

The guides are not presented, nor meant to be completed, in any particular order, rather, you are invited to jump in and out of individual topics as personal curiosity or practical need dictates.

The Topic Guide list in this first edition draws heavily on the existing skills framework and topics covered in the British Library’s Digital Scholarship Training Programme, as well as those recommended by attendees of a series of development workshops held with LIBER working groups throughout 2023.

Our current wishlist for future editions includes but is not limited to topics such as: